Open vacancies
Welcome to Raahe Region's joint marketplace for job opportunities! Are you looking for employees or interns? Or do you have a great thesis topic for a student?
We offer a free channel for your advert on our website. The service is available in Finnish for businesses and other actors in our region.
Below is TE-Service’s list of open vacancies in Raahe, Pyhäjoki and Siikajoki. Municipalities’ open vacancies are also in Kuntarekry.
TE-palvelut Raahe
Vastuuyksikköpäällikkö, virka, perhekeskuspalvelu, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialue, Kalajoki
Asiakasneuvottelija Raahe, 2 paikkaa, Suoramarkkinointi Mega Oy, Suoramarkkinointi Mega Oy, Raahe